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The EU’s decision to impose definitive countervailing duties on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs) for a period of five years has sparked strong opposition. During an interview with China News Network, Michael Schumann, chairman of the Board of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, noted that they do not lie in the interest of the people in Europe.
He further explained that there's not a unified position inside the EU, and quite a few countries are being held hostage by American interests. In addition, Chinese-made EVs have been geopolitically framed, leading to this regrettable situation right now. (Chen Tianhao)
11月初,北京石刻艺术博物馆内的银杏树大部分已经变黄,其中最引人瞩目的是金刚宝座旁两棵近600年树龄的古银杏树。两棵古树一左一右、满树金黄,与身后古朴庄严的古塔交相辉映,形成独特景致,成为北京银杏树的宝藏“打卡处”。许多游客为了拍出角度别致的照片,会在石塔前摆上镜子,或者利用石洗台里的水拍摄倒影,寻找“隐藏”机位。(记者 王世博)